Dupuytren’s disease is the deposition of scar like tissue under the skin of the palm and fingers /thumb.
Dupuytren’s disease is the deposition of scar like tissue under the skin of the palm and fingers /thumb, producing nodules and cords.
The progress of the condition is very variable, so in the early stages the best treatment is to leave well alone. If the hand can be placed fully flat on the table, then no treatment is required. However, in the majority of patients the disease progresses and starts to bend the fingers or thumb in towards the palm.
Treatment is surgical, and the type of operation will depend on the severity.
At an early stage it may be suitable just to divide a cord in the palm using a needle, under a local anaesthetic. More advanced disease will require formal excision of the tissue through incisions, carried out under regional anaesthesia (injections in the armpit to numb the whole arm), or under a general anaesthetic.
Very severe Duputren’s may need excision od skin and scar tissue and repair with a skin graft.
All surgical cases will need a period of splintage and physiotherapy. Dupuytren’s tissue commonly recurs which is why surgery is only carried out when necessary. But, it shouldn’t be left for too long, as a finger that a significant bend for a long time will never fully straighten again.